I'm a third-year Computer Science student at Western University, deeply interested in cybersecurity and software development. I love building secure and efficient applications while continuously learning new technologies.
View My ResumeTown of Quispamsis (Website)
July 2024 - Sept 2024 | Quispamsis, NB
Classic Minesweeper game developed using C++ and Qt 5 framework for the responsive and intuitive UI design. The project is developed in a Linux environent using WSL and Ubuntu. Leveraged object-oriented programming (OOP) principles to build a modular and maintainable codebase, reducing debugging time and improving efficiency.
Github LinkDeveloped during Hack Western 11, this project is a renewable energy visualizer that allows users to search for locations by ZIP code or city name and explore solar and wind energy potential. The interactive map, built with Mapbox GL JS, displays markers and overlays with energy insights, while an intuitive UI built with React.js ensures a seamless user experience. The project integrates the NASA weather API for energy data and the Mapbox Geocoding API for location services.
Github Link More InformationDeveloped during GDSC 2024 Hacks, this project is an AI-powered painter application that tracks hand movements through a webcam, allowing users to draw in the air using hand gestures in a given time. When the timer is up, the user's drawing is captured and saved in the database implemnted in SQLite. Built with Python, it leverages the OpenCV library for motion tracking and Google’s MediaPipe for precise hand gesture recognition.
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